Let's Begin Today
Are you in a position of responsibility or management, yet are left with a feeling of self-doubt in yourself or your abilities? Perhaps you're yet to get heard or move up to the next level, with your brilliant ideas taken seriously?
If so, then I'd invite you to come and talk to me to discover how personal coaching and training will enhance your communicating, leading, motivating and wellbeing skills so you can achieve more of what you want confidently and without losing your work-life balance.
We'll look at the issues and gaps personal to you so we can unlock your true potential. Session topics will be bespoke and may include, for example:
Learning your own (and others) ways of communicating,
Getting clear and working towards your ambitions,
Speaking confidently with clarity,
Letting go of unhelpful beliefs,
Implementing a Personal Confidence Plan,
Finding your motivating strategies to stop you procrastinating,
Managing overwhelm and stress.
My EmpowerWELL Programme includes 8 sessions taken over 6 months.
Also included are:
Your Personal DISC Profile so you can really understand what works for you,
121 NLP exercises to accelerate your progress,
Quickfire calls through whatsapp when you need that boost,
Personal 'at home' exercises,
Tools and strategies you can use straight away.
We need to talk to design your programme specifically for you.
Do you have managers and teams that are great at the technical stuff but need some help with the 'softer skills'? Having worked in construction and engineering, I know first hand that improving communication skills and personal development opportunities are often forgotten.
What if your staff could understand each other (and their clients) better, collaborate and become more effective with less misunderstandings?
Through group training, and individual coaching where needed, we can develop your employees' interpersonal, self-awareness and emotional intelligence skills. This will prevent stagnation of your staff, increase their effectiveness, engagement and wellbeing, and ultimately increases productivity and the performance of your business with a reduction in turnover of your valued people.
Workshops I offer include:
Understanding Social Styles in Business & Teams for better working relationships between employees and with clients,
Communicating Skills for clearer messages,
Setting Goals and achieving more success
Emotional Intelligence Awareness for Leaders and Managers
Managing Time Efficiently and getting more done,
Resilience and Stress Awareness for sustained wellbeing.
Individual and Group DISC Profiles are also available.
Contact me to book in a call so we can design your bespoke workplace package.